
New Life for the Sweepstakes Ad

How One Company is Making Old New Again With a Unique Take on Sweepstakes-Style Ads And the Unbelievable Results They’re Getting Sweepstakes have been an undeniable driver of growth, particularly on social media. Brands ranging from health and fitness to snack foods to body care have tapped into the impressive power of the sweepstakes. With the possibility of winning something special (a spa day for two) or something truly unique (free pizza for a year), you can drive impressive clicks and conversions. But just getting that attention is no longer enough. Social media, paid ads and video marketing have all evolved. The core premise that drives that evolution, however, hasn’t changed much.  Consider that 83% of users in one survey, when asked what they would do to win a reward, answered that they would watch a branded video:  Source: MarketingCharts/HelloWorld Although this information is from a survey conducted in 2018, as you might imagine, the growth of video marketing has only increa

The New Quest to Measure Creative Effectiveness

A great deal of concentration around the effectiveness of an ad is measured in things like how much attention and clicks it received, and what happened as a result of those clicks. But despite this methodology becoming the standard by which we measure ad effectiveness, the creative portion itself has been left in the dust.  When we talk about “measuring creatives”, a lot of attention goes into the effort it takes to produce it. How long did it take to craft the asset? What was the time spent in going from creative brief to the ultimate output?  If you asked a farmer selling oranges, “how long did it take to harvest them?” or “How much time passed from the point where the seeds were planted to where the orange trees began to grow?", he’d look at you like maybe you got hit too hard on the head with one of them. After all, none of those things have anything to do with why people buy oranges, and yet, no one is asking the real question -- how do they taste?  Creative Effectiveness is

The Birth of the Creative Hypothesis and How It’s Changing the Way We View Advertising

Nearly everything we know about the world and the way it works has been discovered by way of a hypothesis: an educated guess. In the world of advertising, the focus has always been on the audience and fine-tuning it to become more and more specific. In the midst of this rush to gather more data about prospects and work to position the brand as the answer or solution to their problem, the creative gets left in the dust.  Is The Creative The Missing Piece of the Advertising Puzzle? By not paying attention to improving the creative, advertisers are making an across-the-board assumption that the graphic or video clip is the foundation for the ad, but everything else is changeable.  These days, marketers are centered so much on “what the data reveals” that they pay less attention to “what is the question being asked?” The creative hypothesis turns this model on its head and proposes not only a creative-backed approach to asking a question, but also an intelligent method for finding the answ